Report from Davos World Biodiversity Forum 2024

The 3rd World Biodiversity Forum in Davos, Switzerland, brought together about 800 participants. The event covered diverse topics and discussions on the future of biodiversity, emphasising marine conservation, freshwater biodiversity, and climate change impacts. Discussions focused on data sharing, interdisciplinary approaches, and nature-based solutions to bridge global biodiversity monitoring gaps through trans-disciplinary practices and dataContinue reading “Report from Davos World Biodiversity Forum 2024”

The data model behind DiSSCo’s Annotation service

DiSSCo envisions discovering the untapped value within vast natural science collections across Europe and aims to connect these collections to related datasets and new insights using the FAIR Digital Object (FDO) framework. A key milestone toward this vision is the development of various data models and services that can help annotate and publish digital specimenContinue reading “The data model behind DiSSCo’s Annotation service”

Roundup of technical updates

Dear Readers, In this post, we would like to update you on some of the recent technical advancements that we have made. Our team has been working tirelessly on various aspects including PID infrastructure development, data modeling work, and both frontend and backend development of the DiSSCover interface. These updates have allowed us to enhanceContinue reading “Roundup of technical updates”

Kunming – Montreal post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework: What does it mean for biodiversity research infrastructures?

On Dec 19, after hours of negotiations and discussions, nations (except the U.S. and the Vatican) agreed to protect 30% of the planet for nature by 2030 (also known as the 30 x 30 agreement). The post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework has been proclaimed both as a historic decision and also as a missed opportunity toContinue reading “Kunming – Montreal post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework: What does it mean for biodiversity research infrastructures?”

Roundup of technical updates

Dear Readers, In this post, we share some of our recent updates. We have been super busy with various technical developments. Here are a few highlights: Upcoming conference presentations 📺 We will be at The Biodiversity Information Standard (TDWG) 2022! This year the annual conference will be a hybrid meeting, hosted in Sofia, Bulgaria. AfterContinue reading “Roundup of technical updates”

Identifiers and contextual data

Persistent identifiers, their links to other identifiers and various contextual data are essential components of the DiSSCo architectural design. Here is a brief example to demonstrate the importance of these identifiers, linking them and providing enough contextual information to perform operations on the digital specimen objects. The example here also highlights some of the challengesContinue reading “Identifiers and contextual data”

Roundup of recent news

A lot has happened since our last post here. So a roundup of recent news. Our very own Wouter Addink presented DiSSCo at the Chinese national biodiversity informatics congress. This is a great initiative to facilitate global conversations around data and infrastructures. Several members of the DiSSCo Technical Team and members of DiSSCo Prepare WP5Continue reading “Roundup of recent news”

ELViS 1.0.0 is here: An important milestone for DiSSCo

On March 18, 2021 a new deployment of ELViS (European Loans and Visits System) became available. ELViS 1.0.0 is currently being used to facilitate the 3rd Transnational Access call for SYNTHESYS+ (to fund short-term research visits to consortium institutions) and the 2nd Virtual Access call (to fund digitisation-on-demand requests). The current version of ELViS isContinue reading “ELViS 1.0.0 is here: An important milestone for DiSSCo”

Reflections on TDWG 2020 Virtual sessions and other thoughts on long term data infrastructures

This year the annual conference of the Biodiversity Information Standards (historically known as the Taxonomic Databases Working Group — TDWG) is virtual and happening in two parts. The working sessions were concluded a few weeks ago and are separated from the virtual conference, which will be held on October 19-23. All the recordings of theContinue reading “Reflections on TDWG 2020 Virtual sessions and other thoughts on long term data infrastructures”